2013 Phoenix Award Honoree – Crystal Jang
Crystal Jang is a 4th generation Chinese American and 3rd generation native San Franciscan. She is also the co-founder of longstanding community-based organizations, Asian Pacific Islander Queer Women & Transgender Community (APIQWTC), and Older Asian Sisters in Solidarity (OASIS).
Crystal came out in 1961 at the age of 13 and began organizing on API-LGBT issues in the 1970s, speaking on college campuses and participating in the first San Francisco Health Department trainings on Gay Issues. Over the past 40 years, she has contributed to and participated in many many movements and campaigns, including the Anti-War movement, Feminist movement and ERA campaign, I-Hotel organizing, and the Ethnic Studies Movement, to name only handful. As San Francisco Unified School District’s (SFUSD) first Middle School Coordinator for Sexual Minority Youth and Families, Crystal helped coordinate the 1st District Wide LGBT sensitivity trainings and the very first Teacher training on Transgender Issues for SFUSD. She has been married 3 times (legally and otherwise) to her long-time partner Sydney, and she is mom to 17-year old Cameron. (Photo: Jane Philomen Cleland)
APIQWTC Phoenix Award
The Phoenix Award is a very special part of each year’s APIQWTC Lunar New Year Banquet. It is our opportunity to honor and appreciate an individual who has made outstanding, sustained and pioneering contributions to the Asian Pacific Islander Queer Women and Transgender Community. The Phoenix is a symbol of virtue and grace, of loyalty and justice, and of doing good deeds. Our award publicly recognizes these accomplishments in our awardees as exhibited by their longtime service to the Community, the lasting impact of their work, and the challenging conditions they overcame. Past recipients include Marion Abdullah, Doreena Wong, Dipti Ghosh, Trinity Ordona and Desiree Thomson, Helen Zia, Mad Lim, and Pam Louie.
Come celebrate Crystal with us at our 2013 Spring Lunar New Year Banquet! An awesome lineup of entertainment and community spirit awaits you! Registration details at https://www.apiqwtc.org/26th-annual-banquet-2013/