
Contact Us

To request support or resources from APIQWTC:

sponsorshipIconAPIQWTC began as a coalition and we are always looking to partner and support events and activities with other organizations and individuals to serve the Asian Pacific Islander Queer Women and Transgender community and our allies. Please use our simple request form to let us know more about your project and how we can collaborate with you.

To volunteer for APIQWTC:

volunteer-oliveSince we are a grassroots organization for and by the people in our own LGBT community, it all happens through our dear volunteers. And, we can always use help with various events, please contact us at if you are such an angel. 🙂


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To join APIQWTC’s Email-listserv: ** NOTE: This list is only for news and event announcements only!!!

Join our Email-listserve for up-to-date event news and announcements.

To join as a new member, please first visit groups.io, and then create an account. Go to the APIQWTC group page, groups.io/g/apiqwtc, and click on the button, + Apply For Membership In this Group", you will be notified once your account is ready. Thanks!

For all existing members who has been part of our Email-Listserv under Yahoo! Group, please note that we are migrating to another host, groups.io/g/apiqwtc. Beginning December 12, 2020, to post to our new listserv, all you will have to do is send your email to this new address, apiqwtc@groups.io, and your message will send to all subscribed members. No actions needed since we have done the work of transfering for you. Please note, if you’d like to use some of the special features on our new listserv platform — such as creating polls and chat rooms, or read the archive of all posted messages at groups.io – you will need to create an account.

If you’d like to change your email address from your current one, please email us at and let us know you are an existing member who wishes to change your email address. Thanks.

To become a fan of APIQWTC on Facebook:

facebookPlease click on the Facebook button on the left or search for ‘APIQWTC‘ on your Facebook account or go to www.facebook.com/apiqwtc and ‘Like’ us.

For more information, please contact APIQWTC:


About this website:

For any web-related issues, just email us at

If you would like to post your event information on and/or link to your webpage from APIQWTC’s webpages, please contact us via email at .

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