APIQWTC provides opportunities for Asian & Pacific Islander queer women and transgender people to socialize, network, build community, engage in inter-generational organizing, and increase community visibility.
APIQWTC is a fun, welcoming, multi-generational group of Asian & Pacific islander queer women and transgender people in the Bay Area, who are building community together. We are the legacy of queer A&PI activism, stemming from earlier-founded organizations going back to 1987. We are a wholly volunteer-based organization.
APIQWTC hosts, and is involved in, a range of activities year-round:
- Website and listserv, which allows members to keep in touch about issues and events pertaining to the APIQWTC community
- Pride Parade and booth, API Pride Council
- Annual Spring Banquet, our main event and fundraiser
- Social Events: annual BBQ, monthly meetups, basketball, doggy play dates, games and movie nights, annual Tahoe trip, wine tasting, etc.
- Co-sponsorship: workshops (e.g. QACON at UC Berkeley), film and cultural events, and other community efforts
- Scholarships, awarded annually at the Banquet
- Annual Phoenix Award to a member of our community, based on nominations and awarded at the Banquet
- Support of other colleague organizations