September 5, 2014
Wikipedia is one of the most visible and widely used resources for information. However, there is a sparsity of queer API histories on Wikipedia, limited both in detail and in the number of entries.
Thus, we are thrilled to invite you to Dragon Fruit Project’s first ever Wiki Hack! For the past year and a half, Dragon Fruit Project volunteers have been collecting and transcribing QAPI interviews. Inspired by the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center’s WikiAPA, we are excited to transform this raw material to tangibly enrich the presence of QAPI histories in the most public sphere: the internet.
Join us on Sunday, October 19, 2014, 9AM – 2:30PM to hack Wikipedia as a community and increase the visibility of our proud queer API histories in real time. Lunch and training will be provided.
Location: CAA Community Room, 17 Walter U Lum Place San Francisco, CA 94108