2015 Scholarship Applications
APIQWTC SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: February 12, 2015 AWARD OVERVIEW APIQWTC (Asian Pacific Islander Queer Women and Transgender Community) is an organization in the San Francisco Bay Area providing support and community for nearly 800 queer Asian and Pacific Islander individuals. The APIQWTC scholarship supports queer API women and transgender people in their pursuit of technical/professional training or higher education. The scholarship hopes to recognize those who are active in the community and encourage future leaders. APIQWTC will be awarding scholarships of $1000 to two Asian/Pacific...
Read More2014 APIQWTC Scholarship Awardees!
Congratulations to our 2014 APIQWTC scholarship awardees, Landyn Pan and Tõ Như Đào! Landyn Pan is a high school senior, artist, and activist based in Seattle, Washington. As a sophomore at Bothell High School he restarted the Gay Straight Alliance club and served as president for two years, running support groups, discussing queer politics, screening LGBTQ videos, and building infrastructure for the organization. Currently, as the Director of Resources and Activism for his GSA, he leads campaigns and projects to educate students, teachers, and administrators, and visits surrounding high...
Read MoreAPIQWTC Scholarship Fund
The APIQWTC scholarship supports queer API women and transgender people in their pursuit of technical/professional training or higher education. The scholarship hopes to recognize those who are active in the community and encourage future leaders. APIQWTC will be awarding scholarships of $3,500 to three Asian/Pacific Islander lesbian, bisexual, or queer women or transgender individuals pursuing technical/professional training or an undergraduate/graduate degree.
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Write your personal statement as you cuddle up by the fireplace this winter for a chance at the APIQWTC scholarship! Warm up your mouse pads for a shot at $1,000 towards your education as you juggle family, community, and school. This is the scholarship for you, API queer women and transfolks, who hit the picket line in addition to finishing your readings. It’s never too early to start preparing your applications and asking for references. Don’t let the February deadline pass you by. E-mail with any questions. CALL FOR APPLICATIONS — APIQWTC SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE:...
Read MoreGAPA Scholarships Available – Apply By July 15
Hey… you! Yes, you! Do you identify as LGBT and/or API? Are you a leader or budding leader in your community? Are you a high school student, college student, or graduate student? (students of life don’t count, sorry!) If so, then you’re in luck – here’s a chance to earn a scholarship that you can apply towards your rapidly declining education fund! The Gay Asian Pacific Alliance (GAPA) Foundation Scholarship is a scholarship that seeks to provide financial assistance to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) Asian and Pacific Islanders who are currently in high...
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